You use the petalinux-create command to create a project. You should ignore any warnings about no tftp server. tools/xilinx/petalinux-v2015.4-final/ To do that, run the following in your shell. The PetaLinux tools have a shell script which you can use to set your shell path and environment variables. That should complete your PetaLinux installation.
That is just a single file which I copied into the install area like this: sudo cp Avnet-Digilent-ZedBoard-v2015-4-final.bsp /tools/xilinx Once the PetaLinux tools are installed, you also need to install the board support package. This will take quite a while to verify the package contents and then ask you to accept some license terms. After downloading the PetaLinux tools, run the following command to install them. You should modify the commands below for your particular installation directory. My Xilinx tools are installed in /tools/xilinx, so I’m going to install the PetaLinux tools in the same location. You will need to download the PetaLinux Installed and the ZedBoard Board Support Package (BSP). You can find the 2015.4 release of the PetaLinux tools here. We will then write some code to control the FPGA we built in the previous tutorial. In this tutorial, we cover installing PetaLinux on your build machine and making a Linux build for your ZedBoard.